Alahup! Elements > menu item (mi)

tag : mi

parents : menu, mis

children : ml, mis (exactly these two elements, in this order)

The menu item element is quite tricky !

It holds exactly two elements :

  • a menu label element which holds the label of the menu item.

    Use {render item=$} to render the label.

  • a menu items element (note the plural !) which contains other menu item elements (sub-items of current element).

    Use {render item=$this.mis} to render the sub-items.

Additionally, several essential variables are provided.

  • $this.href

    Contains the value of the link (what you would put in >

  • $this.linkAttributes

    A convenience variable which equals to ' Also automatically adds target="_blank" if "open in new window" was checked.

    Thanks to this variable, all you need to make a working link is this : <a{$this.linkAttributes}>...</a>

  • $this.linkTest

    Returns true if the link is "active".

    For example, if the link equals to "en/products", $this.linkTest will return true in pages whose url is "en/products", but also "en/products/alahup", "en/products/..."...

  • $this.linkTestStrict

    Same as $this.linkTest, but returns true only when the url equals to the exact link (returns false for "en/products/alahup"...)

  • $this.menuDepth

    Depth of the menu item. Starts with 1.

    Alias of the menu element it belongs to. Useful to test the menu's variables. Example : {if $ == "horizontal"} ...

  • $


elements/sets/default/mi.tpl :
<li {if $this.linkTest}class="active {if $this.linkTestStrict}strict{/if}"{/if}>
 {* render the label *}
 {render item=$}
{* render sub-items if active *}
{if $this.linkTest and count($this.mis.children)}
 <ul class="{$this.parent.custom.type}">{render item=$this.mis}</ul>