Alahup! Elements > link (link)

tag: link

parents : t

children : none

This element holds the information about a link which was defined in the Editor on some text.

  • $this.custom.type

    1: internal absolute, 2: external, 3: file, 4: mail, 5: relative

  • $this.custom.value

  • $this.custom.newWindow

  • $this.custom.anchorName

  • $this.href

    Processed value of the link.

    For internal absolute links, prepends the base name of the site to the link and appends the tracking number if cookies are deactivated.

    Relative links : builds the full link

    File : remaps the link according to repositories.xxxx.ini config file.

  • $this.linkAttributes

    Convenience variable whose value is : ' target="_blank"' (target only if newWindow = 1)

  • $this.linkAttributesNoAnchorName

    Same as linkAttributes, without the anchor name (absolute and relative links only)

elements/sets/default/link.tpl :
<a{$this.linkAttributes}>{render content=$this}</a>